发表于 2024-11-27 02:17:22
本帖最后由 muackmuack 于 2024-11-27 02:25 编辑
* Looks: 7/10 MILF-ish
* Boobs: Between B to C
* Body: Very well kept for her age.
* Massage Skills: 7/10
* Grab Dragon Root: 7.5/10
* GFE: Not the flirty type but definitely chatty. More like a good friend than GF
Went to her cos I wanted a actual massage and not a 'play piano" type. And I must say her skills are comparable to those in 坡底 - KSL Mall/Pelangi area type. And during the process, willl ask if the strength is ok.
This actual massage part alone is worth about RM80-100!
Then comes the 抓根. It's thorough and a little painful (heard it should be so). Massaged the cock and the prostate area for easily 10-15min before proceeding to jerk it off. Personally I enjoyed this a lot. Much better than those that jerk you off quickly machiam like trying to hit KPI!
Touching of breast and ass is limited (+RM50). Breast gotta reach inside her bra, but ass can only grab from outside the panties. Pussy is out of bounds.
I would say that she's not the type if you're going for a kinky, all out sexual encounter. But if you want a good relaxing massage and a pleasurable happy ending, then I will highly recommend her. |